Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Technology Timeline

     Technology is ever-changing. We discussed different forms of technology everywhere from carrier pigeons, telegraphs, the first iPod, and Netflix. Every form of technology has a main purpose but there are hundreds of forms. My personal favorite is text messaging or Snapchat. I use both all day, every day. It makes communicating with friends and family so easy. I can instantly get pictures of my friend who is 1,500 miles away because of the advancements in technology. One form of communication technology we discussed that I knew the least about was Facebook. I was unaware of how one of the biggest social media platforms got its start. Mark Zuckerburg started Facebook while he was in college after a previous platform failed. Who knew one of the biggest names in technology started off with a failure. This platform is now used by over 2 billion people daily.

        Another communication technology I was unaware of the background behind is the vast impact of the first radio. The first radio gave way to a new way to ingest media and more jobs. The Radio was invented in 1916. It was a way to communicate news quickly and a new form of entertainment as well. Today radio is still used but used less due to streaming services such as Spotify, Soundcloud, and Apple Music. 

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Our Relationship with Technology

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